Friday, 2 October 2015
‘Secessionist’ Doris Jones willing to return, face ‘charges’
She remarks however that it is strange the Malaysian government is not willing to put down the charges against her in writing.
KUALA LUMPUR: Sabahan freedom fighter Doris Jones @ Doris Yapp Kim Yuon who heads the UK-based Sabah Sarawak Union-United Kingdom (SSU-UK), an NGO behind the Sabah Sarawak Keluar Malaysia Facebook page, wants to bring to public attention that if the Malaysian Government wants to level accusations against her, it should do so officially and in writing. “It’s strange that we have a government which doesn’t hesitate to accuse one of all sorts of things in public but was not willing to put them down in writing.”
If there are charges, she added, it must be conveyed to the one accused in writing. “If there are charges, what’s the reason not to notify in writing? So, how can I respond? I would like to return home and face the charges.”
“When I turned up at the Malaysian High Commission in London on September 30 with Sarawakian and SSU-UK founder member Zurainee Tehek as a witness to collect the extension of my passport, an official Azhar Bin Abd Hamid gave all sorts of reasons why they couldn’t let me have my passport,” said Jones in a statement in Bahasa which is making the rounds in WhatsApp and social media. “The official was also not willing to let me have in black and white the complaints that the Malaysian government have against me.”
“I wrote down the complaints myself on an A4 white sheet of paper with a pen, both obtained from Azhar, and asked him to sign it. He refused to do so.”
Jones said that when she asked Azhar whether the Malaysian government refused to extend her passport, he denied it but at the same time added: “It’s not that the government doesn’t want to extend your passport. The government rejected extending it.”
Jones said that when she heard Azhar’s reply, she recalled Ahmad Maslan, Salleh Said Keruak and other Ministers back home who invariably never failed to give similarly “stupid answers” when asked something quite straight forward. “Why does the government keep officers who give such stupid answers when queried by the public? Azhar also initially refused to return my old passport on the grounds that it belongs to the Malaysian government.”
Briefly, Jones said that Azhar told her the Malaysian government had directed him to delay extending her passport, that there was an arrest warrant issued by the police and pending against her, and that she was facing charges of opposing the Malaysian government through the struggle to bring Sabah and Sarawak out of the Federation. “I have been interviewed by UK government officials on the matter of the High Commission not being able to extend my passport.”
“The National Liberal Party (NLP) President Graham Williamson has also issued a statement on the matter. Williamson heads the Nations Without States of which SSU-UK is a member.”
In the rest of her statement, Jones charged that the people of Sabah and Sarawak had been taken for a ride since 1963 by the Malayan government masquerading as the Malaysian government and that Malaysia the Federation was nothing more than Malaya the peninsula. “We in Sabah and Sarawak have nothing in common with Malaya. We are so different from them.”
She demanded that Malayan political parties in Sabah and Sarawak leave the two Borneo nations as they had the insidious motive of changing the character of the two Borneo nations.
She pledged that she would work through the United Nations and the international community to free Sabah and Sarawak from the clutches of Malaya.
Source: Free Malaysia Today
Friday, October 02, 2015
Doris Jones
Sabah Sarawak Union (SSU)
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Home Ministry not renewing Doris Jones' passport
KOTA KINABALU: The Home Ministry is not renewing the passport of London-based Sabahan activist Doris Jones (pic).
In a Sept 30 Facebook posting, Jones stated that she had been told by an Immigration Department officer at the Malaysian Embassy in London, Azhar Abdul Hamid that her application has been classified as “pending.”
Doris, who has been operating the Sabah Sarawak Keluar Malaysia Facebook page from London said Azhar told her the department’s headquarters in Putrajaya had ordered that status for her passport renewal application.
“Azhar mentioned to me that they were not rejecting the application but refusing to renew it,” Jones said in her Facebook page.
In another posting on the same day, Jones said she was aware that the refusal to renew her passport was due to a warrant for her arrest issued by the police here.
“I did admit I want to go home to face the warrant but since they cannot renew my passport they can bring the warrant here to the UK if the Malaysian government tells the truth,” Jones said.
She said she would remain in the UK “indefinitely.”
The police had issued warrant of arrest for Jones, whom they had identified as Yapp Kim Youn, for sedition.
The police however acknowledged that Malaysian authorities would not be not be able to extradite Doris as British laws do not recognise her crimes under the Sedition Act.
Meanwhile, Insp. Mohd Shahrizan Yahaya said they can only arrest Jones if she returned to this country.
He also explained that the Interpol was ready to arrest Jones if she was involved in other crimes except for the Sedition Act, as it has been abolished in Britain.
Source: The Star
Friday, October 02, 2015
Doris Jones
Official Statement
Sabah Sarawak Union (SSU)
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Kenyataan RASMI SSKM-SSU(UK) Berhubung Dengan Passport Doris Jones
Salam sejahtera, Salam Hormat dan Salam Perjuangan Kemerdekaan Negara Sabah dan Negara Sarawak. Saya Doris Jones mewakili sebuah kumpulan sosial didalam Facebook yang bernama Sabah Sarawak Keluar Malaysia (SSKM) yang kini sudah berdaftar secara SAH dibawah bidang Kuasa Perundangan United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland (UK) dengan nama kumpulan NGO Sabah Sarawak Union-United Kingdom (SSU-UK) ingin membuat kenyataan rasmi berhubung dengan "Kengganan Pegawai Imigresen Malaysia di UK Untuk Menyambung Tempoh Passport Antarabangsa Saya".
Pada 30 September 2015, saya bersama dengan seorang rakan yang bernama Zurainee Tehek yang merupakan rakyat Negara Sarawak dan juga salah seorang pengasas SSU-UK, telah menemani untuk pergi ke Pejabat Imigresen Malaysia di London bagi menyambung Tempoh Passport Antarabangsa. Seperti biasa, pendaftaran dilakukan, pembayaran dibuat dan reset diberikan sebagai bukti pembayaran. Selepas itu, kami telah diminta untuk datang pada waktu petang untuk mengambil passport tersebut.
Kemudian, pada waktu petang, kami telah datang semula dan menunggu untuk mendapatkan passport. Kerani yang bertugas menampakkan keresahan dan jelas kelihatan pada raut wajahnya. Berkali-kali masuk keluar bilik dan berulang kali bertanya kepada saya untuk memastikan bahawa saya adalah "Doris" dan pengesahan itu saya lakukan. Akhirnya, saya telah diminta untuk masuk kedalam sebuah bilik khas tetapi saya telah meminta kebenaran untuk membawa rakan seperjuangan saya untuk masuk sekali bagi menemani saya.
Seorang Pegawai Kerajaan Malaysia yang bernama Azhar Bin Abd Hamid adalah orang yang berada didalam bilik tersebut.
Penjelasan yang diberikan oleh Pegawai tersebut ialah mereka tidak boleh menyambung tempoh passport antarabangsa saya sambil memegangnya dengan beberapa alasan. Antaranya ialah;
- Pihak Kerajaan Malaysia di Putrajaya telah meminta pegawai tersebut untuk menangguh menyambung tempoh passport antarabangsa saya.
- Terdapat kes waran yang telah dikeluarkan keatas saya oleh Polis Diraja Malaysia (PDRM).
- Saya telah didakwa atas sebab menentang Kerajaan Malaysia melalui Perjuangan untuk membawa Sabah dan Sarawak berpisah daripada Malaysia.
Maka, saya telah meminta sekeping kertas putih A4 dan sebatang pen lalu menulis maklumat-maklumat yang telah diberikan oleh pegawai tersebut tentang dakwaan Kerajaan Malaysia keatas saya dan meminta pegawai tersebut untuk menurunkan tandatangan bagi mengesahkannya. Namun, pegawai tersebut itu juga tidak mahu mengesahkannya.
Saya berasa pelik dengan sistem pentadbiran Kerajaan Malaysia. Dakwaan telah dibuat, namun tidak ada surat dikeluarkan. Jadi, bagaimana sesuatu dakwaan tersebut dapat disahkan oleh saya?
Apabila saya bertanya, adakah ini bermaksud Kerajaan Malaysia tidak mahu menyambung tempoh passport antarabangsa saya? Pegawai tersebut memberikan jawapan seperti ini; "bukan Kerajaan tidak mahu menyambung passport antarabangsa anda tetapi mereka menolak untuk menyambungnya". Jawapan yang diberikan ini membuatkan saya teringat beberapa menteri yang ada di Malaysia seperti Ahmad Maslan dan Salleh Said Keruak. Mengapa jawapan sebodoh seperti ini diberikan oleh pegawai Kerajaan?
Selain itu, tujuan saya untuk menyambung passport antarabangsa saya adalah kerana saya ingin kembali ke Tanah Air saya di Negara Sabah untuk menghadap tuduhan dan dakwaan liar Kerajaan Malaysia bagi membuktikan diri saya ini tidak bersalah. Tetapi bagaimana ini semua dapat dilakukan jikalau Kerajaan Malaysia sendiri yang menghalang saya berbuat demikian?
Dimanakah ketulusan terhadap dakwaan tersebut? Membuang batu ketempat saya tetapi menyembunyikan tangan?
Setelah saya dengan rakan seperjuangan berdebat dengan pegawai tersebut dalam satu tempoh masa, akhirnya kami memutuskan untuk beredar. Sebelum beredar, saya meminta passport antarabangsa saya dikembalikan tetapi pegawai tersebut enggan untuk memberikannya kepada saya.
Alasan yang diberikan ialah passport tersebut adalah hak milik Kerajaan Malaysia. Lalu saya menjawab, menurut undang-undang, Kerajaan tidak berhak memegang passport antarabangsa seseorang selagi empunya passport tersebut belum tamat tempoh atau belum dibuktikan bersalah oleh Makhamah. Saya telah membuat pendaftaran, pembayaran dan reset telah diberikan kepada saya sebagai bukti bahawa saya telah mengikut proses bagi menyambung tempoh passport antarabangsa saya. Jadi, saya berhak untuk mendapatkan semula passport saya dengan serta-merta kerana tempoh masanya belum lagi tamat.
Apa yang dilakukan oleh pegawai tersebut ialah dia telah meminta kerani untuk memulangkan duit pendaftaran tersebut dan meminta reset pembayaran itu diberikan kepadanya semula dan menyerahkan passport antarabangsa itu kepada saya. Rakan saya, Zurainee Tehek telah bertanya kepada pegawai tersebut. Jikalau reset pembayaran dipulangkan kepadanya, bagaimana kami ingin membuktikan bahawa kami telah datang ke Pejabat Imigresen Malaysia di UK ini dan pendaftaran telah ditolak? Setelah berdebat lagi, akhirnya pegawai tersebut bersetuju untuk memberikan kadnya (Business Card) dan membenarkan kami mengambil beberapa gambar sebagai bukti yang kami berada disini.
Selepas kami keluar daripada bangunan Imigresen Malaysia, kami telah dihubungi oleh Pn.Clare RewCastle Brown untuk beliau membuat liputan berita di website Sarawak Report. En.Graham Williamson yang merupakan Presiden National Liberal Party (NLP) UK dan Pengerusi Nations without States (NwS) telah memberikan kecaman terhadap perbuatan Kerajaan Malaysia yang jelas menunjukkan bahawa Kerajaan Malaysia tidak mampu untuk menerima kritikan. Hanya orang yang tunduk kepada penganiayaan sahaja yang diberikan keistimewaan untuk terus menjadi rakyat Malaysia.
Saya telah didatangi oleh Pegawai Kerajaan UK dan mereka telah mengambil segala keterangan saya untuk simpanan rekod dan tindakan susulan bagi membantu saya berhadapan dengan keadaan ini.
Disini, ingin saya sampaikan mesej kepada rakyat Negara Sabah dan Negara Sarawak. Saya tidak takut untuk berhadapan dengan apa sahaja demi perjuangan bagi Bangsa Negara Sabah dan Bangsa Negara Sarawak. Perjuangan ini adalah berada dilandasan yang betul. Bukti jelas memihak kepada Perjuangan ini. Kita mempunyai hak untuk berdiri diatas kaki sendiri. Kita mempunyai Hak untuk mencapai Kemerdekaan sendiri seperti mana yang telah dikecapi oleh Negara Singapura. Negara Sabah dan Negara Sarawak adalah berbeza daripada Malaya. Kita berbeza daripada aspek budaya, bangsa, bahasa, sosioekonomi, geopolitik dan macam-macam lagi. Kita ditipu hidup-hidup selama ini yang kononnya kita membentuk sebuah negara baru, persekutuan baru tetapi rupa-rupanya itu semua tidak benar. Malaysia yang wujud pada hari ini sebenarnya adalah "Persekutuan Tanah Melayu" dengan versi nama baru sebagai "Malaysia". Ini jelas dapat dibuktikan melalui pendaftaran keahlian mereka di United Nations (UN).
Bukan saya yang takut untuk berhadapan dengan pihak Kerajaan Malaysia tetapi saya dihalang untuk menghadap dakwaan tersebut. Bukan saya takut untuk kembali ke Tanah Air tetapi saya mempunyai peranan untuk menyebarkan kebenaran dan mendapatkan sokongan di peringkat antarabangsa bagi menyelamatkan masa depan bangsa negara Sabah dan bangsa negara Sarawak.
Pihak antarabangsa berasa hairan tentang hal ini. Mereka bertanya, mengapa selama ini perkara ini tidak didedahkan kepada United Nations (UN)? Maka saya menjawab, kerana selama ini wakil UN Malaysia dipegang oleh orang malaya. Maka hal ini disembunyikan daripada masyarakat antarabangsa.
Oleh itu, perjuangan ini akan dirancakkan lagi demi Kepentingan Bangsa Negara Sabah dan Bangsa Negara Sarawak. Dari segi perjuangan politik, sila berikan sokongan penuh kepada Parti-Parti Tempatan di Negara Sabah dan Negara Sarawak yang Pro Sabahan dan Pro Sarawakian kerana ideologi politik yang dibawakan oleh mereka adalah mewakili ideologi politik Borneo yang berbeza daripada ideologi politik malaya. Itu juga adalah mewakili ciri-ciri individualiti Kerajaan Negara Sabah dan Kerajaan Negara Sarawak.
Jikalau anda membiarkan parti-parti malaya memegang kerajaan Negara Sabah dan Negara Sarawak, anda secara langsung membenarkan ciri-ciri individualiti Negara Sabah dan Negara Sarawak dihapuskan dan diselaraskan, disamakan dengan ciri-ciri individualiti malaya yang memfokuskan kepada ketuanan malaya. Maka dengan itu, katakan TIDAK KEPADA PARTI-PARTI MALAYA! HALAU PARTI-PARTI MALAYA DARIPADA NEGARA SABAH DAN NEGARA SARAWAK! BIAR PARTI-PARTI TEMPATAN YANG PRO SABAHAN DAN PRO SARAWAKIAN MEMERINTAH NEGARA SABAH DAN NEGARA SARAWAK!
Jangan benarkan lagi Bangsa Borneo daripada Negara Sabah dan Negara Sarawak bertuankan kepada kepimpinan malaya yang rasis, tamak dan pengkhianat kepada kepercayaan yang telah diberikan selama ini.
Sedarlah akan perkara ini. Kebangkitan Nasionalisme ini mesti disokong demi masa depan yang cerah dan sejahtera untuk Negara Sabah dan Negara Sarawak selamanya.
Doris Is Left Stateless By The Malaysian Dictatorship!
Sabah born Malaysian national Doris Jones has been left stranded in the UK without a passport and effectively stateless, owing to the latest abuse of legal rights by her government.
Doris, who has been working for several years in the UK, had applied for a renewal for her passport, which expires in a few days.
According to normal procedure she was invited up to London yesterday to pick the new one up.
However, she then met an obstacle, as she told Sarawak Report. High Commission officials simply refused to issue her with the document as promised.
“In the end they said I could try coming back” Doris told Sarawak Report, “but I am not sure I want to risk going there again under the circumstances”.
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‘Arrest warrant’ propaganda against Doris! |
These circumstances are that Doris has provoked yet another of the new Home Minister’s high handed “terrorism” charges by openly voicing her concerns about the abuse of Sabah’s constitutional rights by the present government.
In Doris’s view (and she is not alone by a very long way) the commitments made to the Borneo states at the time of merger and independence have not been adhered to by the Federal Government.
Doris has therefore dared to openly say (on Facebook) that she thinks that Sabah has a valid right to declare the agreement voided as a result of these violations and to consider its case for independence.
Banished and charged!
To even dare to write such a thing to friends on Facebook has caused a sensational reaction on the part of the Malaysian authorities and their barking Home Minister, who today announced that “noisy minorities” will “end up in Hell” (clearly forgetting that it was his own party which won the minority of votes at the last election and only took power through gerrymandering seats).
So the full force of Malaysia’s new laws to shut up critics (under the guise of calling them terrorists) have been marshalled against this single, middle aged professional lady, who has a circle of Facebook friends to whom she uttered these remarks.
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Doris had received the normal invitation to collect her new passport – but when she arrived at the London High Commission it was denied! |
Doris has had a warrant for her arrest issued in January by the Malaysian authorities on grounds of so-called ‘sedition’ and the police have even attempted to get her extradited from the UK on these grounds – something they have now conceded to be a hopeless case.
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The full force of the authorities turned out to denounce Doris |
Her situation starkly resembles that of several others who have dared to speak out against a regime that is rapidly evolving into a criminal entity and ceasing to observe the rule of law.
The writer of this blog has been subjected to identical threats, for example, and the anti-corruption campaigner Khairuddin Abu Hassan was last week thrown back into jail, after original charges against him were rejected by the courts, under the new “anti-terrorism” legislation that allows for indefinite detention without trial.
His offence? – reporting criminal corruption in the state-owned 1MDB development fund to international regulators, which ministers have chosen to describe as “state sabotage”.
This government has relieved itself of the burden of having to provide the slightest evidence or proof for such charges under their new “terrorism” laws, supposedly introduced to get bombers and mad extremists off the streets.
Definition of a dictatorship by Najib
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Khairuddin fell seriously ill in jail and is now in hospital and not allowed visitors |
Meanwhile, in the US, Malaysia’s Prime Minister, who has presided over all this outrage, has been causing sniggers all week, by declaring at staged PR events that his country is “a mature democracy”.
People are readier to believe his other claim that he plans that nothing will budge him from his position at the head of government.
Najib’s US listeners know only too well that mature democracies allow for opposition, protest and dissent.
Mature democracies allow for and expect to see regular changes of government.
And, crucially, in mature democracies the rule of law cannot be circumvented by the commands of the boss man Najib.
It is no longer any kind of secret that Najib has driven what was a relatively promising candidate for democracy into the ditch by his destruction of the rule of law in Malaysia, in order to save his own political position.
He has removed all checks and balances (and a large chunk his cabinet) assuming dictatorial power.
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Kidding no one – Najib Razak has joined the dirty dictator list and dragged Malaysia with him. |
It was duly noted how on arriving in the UK this ‘democratic leader’ arranged for a 40 limo entourage to accompany him and his wife from their state funded jumbo jet at Farnborough airport up to London.
It was also noted how, on their departure, the same plane was loaded to groaning point with boxes of new purchases and acquisitions.
And the growing list of critics being charged and incarcerated on trumped up pretences without trial back home is yet another signal for all to see.
The world knows a dictator when they see one.