Sunday, 21 September 2014
Sunday, September 21, 2014
Exposing the Truth
Jeffrey G.Kitingan
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Follow Sarawak leaders in fighting for rights, Jeffrey tells Sabah BN
Sabah Umno leaders should emulate their Barisan Nasional (BN) colleagues in Sarawak who are doing a better job fighting for their state's rights under their respective Malaysia Agreements, said the head of opposition Sabah State Reform Party (STAR) Datuk Dr Jeffrey Kitingan.
He said it was time for Sabah Umno and BN leaders to "prove themselves as national patriots" by protecting the rights and interests of Sabah and Sabahans in accordance with the formation of Malaysia.
"Sabah Umno BN leaders have largely remained inelegantly silent on the basis of the formation of Malaysia. Those who have spoken are nothing more than parrots repeating the lines and the lies of the federal leaders," Kitingan said in a statement today.
They were in stark contrast to Sarawak BN leaders, whom Jeffrey said had been "more forthright and have articulated correctly" the rights of their state and Sarawak's position as an equal partner in the federation of Malaysia.
“Sabah BN leaders do not deserve to be called Sabah leaders for their treachery and contempt in mistreating and failing to defend Sabah rights,” he said.
Kitingan added that he supported the call by Sarawak cabinet minister Datuk Seri Dr James Masing that those who distort history be charged with sedition.
He said Sabah Umno leaders had to stop distorting historical facts about Sabah if they wanted to "redeem their place" as state leaders.
Kitingan has been vocal about what he said were attempts to change Sabah's history as a sovereign entity which formed Malaysia of its own free will.
He has taken issue with the removal of key words on the Batu Sumpah or oath stone, which commemorates the terms under which Sabah formed Malaysia with Sarawak and Malaya. The words removed were "Kerajaan Malaysia Jamin (the Malaysian Government guarantees).
“By removing the key words, the government can now say that they do not guarantee that religious freedom and natural resources belong to Sabah and the safeguarding of native customs, adat and traditions," Kitingan said previously.
The oath stone is placed within the compound of the Keningau District Office, and Kitingan's recent attempt to celebrate Malaysia Day on September 16 with a ceremony at the stone was prevented by the authorities.
He is now calling for the oath stone to be relocated and rebuilt as a national monument.
Kitingan said federal leaders should listen to the grievances and unhappiness of the people in the Bornean states and not create misinformation on the rights of Sabah and Sarawak.
Putrajaya also should not make threats and false accusations against the people there who are voicing their dissatisfaction, he said.
Putrajaya recently began investigations into talk of secession by these two states and on a Facebook page called Sabah Sarawak Keluar Malaysia (SSKM), with the Home Minister warning that action would be taken under the Sedition Act. – September 21, 2014.
Usul untuk Mengkaji Semula Perjanjian Malaysia di DUN Sabah dan Dewan Parlimen DITOLAK!
Pemimpin malaya terutamanya najib mengeluarkan kata-kata pujangganya. Konon semua perkara boleh dibincangkan melalui kenyataannya baru-baru ini. Tetapi apabila Nasionalis Negara Sabah mengusulkan tentang Perjanjian Malaysia untuk dikaji semula, ditolak pula dengan alasan yang menggunakan kepala lutut mereka yang kononnya "Ia bukan perkara yang SEGERA walaupun penting".
Anda faham permainan dan ketidakikhlasan mereka? Adakah ini hasutan apabila pihak SSKM mencerahkan keadaan yang sebenar? Sila simpan keratan akhbar ini untuk simpanan masing-masing. Ini bukti bahawa kerajaan malaya yang telah menyamar menjadi malaysia tidak berniat sebenarnya untuk menyelamatkan malaysia.
Pihak SSKM juga ingin berkongsi satu artikel daripada sebuah Badan NGO yang dipimpin oleh Generasi Muda Negara Sabah dan kumpulan mereka dikenali sebagai United Varsity Students of Borneo (UVSB). Sila baca artikel tersebut dibawah untuk anda fahami keadaan yang sebenar.
Pada tarikh 14 April 2014 bersamaan dengan hari Isnin, satu Perhimpunan Aman telah dilakukan oleh sekumpulan orang awam bagi menunjukkan sokongan mereka terhadap dua usul yang ingin dibentangkan oleh YB Datuk Dr.Jeffrey G. Kitingan.
Beberapa orang awam sudah berkumpul seawal jam 8.30 pagi di luar pagar DUN. Di sebabkan orang awam tidak berpakaian formal, mereka tidak dibenarkan masuk ke dalam dewan untuk menyaksikan persidangan pada hari tersebut. Keadaan di luar pagar DUN Sabah, lebih kurang jam 9.15 pagi, bilangan orang yang datang semakin bertambah, dalam anggaran lebih daripada 60 orang yang hadir. Yang hadir terdiri daripada golongan generasi muda dan veteran.
Disebabkan hanya mereka yang berpakaian formal ketika itu dibenarkan masuk, saya dan beberapa rakan berkesempatan untuk turut serta dalam menyaksikan Persidangan di Dewan Undangan Negeri (NEGARA). Tepat pada jam 10.00 pagi, Persidangan telah bermula dengan bacaan doa dan seterusnya pembentangan yang disampaikan oleh Perdana Menteri Sabah, diikuti dengan Menteri yang lain dan seterusnya ADUN. ADUN dari Kelab Penyokong Kerajaan (Backbenchers) Negeri Melaka yang diketuai oleh Speaker DUN Melaka ketika itu telah datang berkunjung dan turut serta dalam dewan menyaksikan Persidangan tersebut.
Saya dan beberapa rakan yang lainnya datang hanya untuk menyaksikan dan menyokong dua usul yang ingin dibentangkan oleh YB.Datuk Dr.Jeffery G.Kitingan, iaitu usul mengenai “Mengkaji Semula Perjanjian Malaysia 1963 dan Hak Pemilikan Minyak dan Gas Negara Sabah” tapi malangnya pembentangan ditolak oleh Tuan Speaker atas alasan lambat dan tidak diterangkan atas peraturan apa yang digunakan untuk membentangkan usul tersebut.
Mendengar Tuan Speaker berkata demikian, terpancar kekecewaan di wajah-wajah beberapa rakan yang turut hadir dalam dewan ketika itu. Dalam hati pasti ada yang tertanya-tanya mengapa usul yang ingin dibentangkan tidak diterima. Kalau dikatakan ianya tidak penting, itu sesekali tidak masuk akal, sebab kenapa? Sebab usul yang ingin dibentangkan itu adalah soal kepentingan rakyat Negara Sabah dan juga untuk kepentingan generasi yang akan datang.
Walaubagaimanapun, Persidangan tetap diteruskan dengan membincangkan dan membentangkan usul yang dibawa oleh ADUN masing-masing. Dalam Persidangan tersebut, walaupun usul yang ingin dibentangkan oleh YB. Datuk Dr.Jeffery G.Kitingan tidak dapat dibentangkan, beliau tetap menyelitkan soal mengenai hak-hak dalam setiap sesi soal jawab sepanjang berada di dalam dewan tersebut.
Dan kira-kira jam 5.00 petang, Persidangan pada hari tersebut telah berakhir. Walaupun di dalam Dewan Undangan Negeri (NEGARA), motion ditolak atas alasan ataupun masalah teknikal tetapi, ketika berada diluar pagar Dewan Undanga Negeri (NEGARA), Pejuang berjaya menyerahkan memorendum berkaitan kepada kedua-dua Timbalan Speaker DUN iaitu Datuk Johnny Mositon dan Datuk Johnson Tee.
Tahniah kepada Pejuang-pejuang dan terima kasih kepada warga Sabahan yang sentiasa menyokong. Teruskan menyokong. Ini baru permulaan. Kepada generasi muda Sabahan, mari bangkit bersama menuntut Hak kita yang sudah dirampas oleh si penjajah. Jangan takut sebab kita tidak akan berjalan sendiri. “You’ll Never Walk Alone” Come together we fight for our right. Kalau bukan kita, siapa lagi? Kalau bukan sekarang bila lagi? BAH ! HARAPAN !
Tak kan mau yang ‘mumu-mumu’ lagi kita dapat kan?. Belum terlambat kalau kau, saya dan kita bersatu. Come Sabahan!!
Anger at Labour conference: Senior sources say Cameron must honour pledge on extra powers
NO one will believe David Cameron ever again if he fails to honour the three-party pledge on granting more powers to Scotland, Labour has insisted.
Senior sources close to Ed Miliband, speaking at Labour's annual conference, expressed anger and dismay at the Prime Minister's statement, given within an hour of Friday morning's No vote, in which he linked progress on giving more powers to Scotland with meeting demands from Tory backbenchers on so-called English votes for English laws.
After Alex Salmond denounced Mr Cameron for shamelessly reneging on the deal, one senior Labour source insisted Mr Miliband's position had not changed one jot and he would do everything in his power not to allow the Tory leader to "f*** this up".
But he stressed: "If Cameron reneges on this, everyone in the UK will say this man can never again be trusted by anyone."
Calling for clarification from Downing Street, the source pointed out either the PM had introduced a new condition, in which case he ran the risk of incurring the wrath of not only the voters of Scotland but also people right across the UK, or he had not, in which case he would face the anger of Tory rightwingers.
"We're not going to be political cover for Cameron with his backbenchers," insisted the source.
This morning, Mr Miliband made clear he had not been told by Mr Cameron of his linking devo-extra for Scotland with devo-extra for England. An aide made clear that if it had been made clear to Scottish voters ahead of last Thursday's referendum, then "there would have been a Yes vote".
One party source said: "Cameron now has to do the right thing and get this sorted out. He cannot start playing political tricks with the British people."
Earlier, the Labour leader was adamant about his own position on the "vow" to Scotland, saying: "We are going to deliver on that promise; no ifs, no buts."
He stressed how there was not a simple solution to the English Question but made clear he was open to English MPs having "greater scrutiny" of English laws. His proposal is to have a public consultation on devolving more power to England with a constitutional convention to pore over the details - but after the May 2015 General Election.
Alistair Darling, who led the Better Together campaign, described the tripartite promise as "non-negotiable" and warned if the agreed timetable was not met, then those who had blocked it would "pay a very heavy price for years to come".
But Mr Cameron wants to use the same timetable for giving extra powers to Holyrood - a White Paper by November, draft legislation by January with implementation next year - for granting more devolution to England.
Tomorrow at Chequers, he will meet Tory backbenchers to flesh out his plans for decentralising power from Whitehall to the English regions and cities.
But it appears the PM's proposed offer to England is causing a rift within the Lib-Con Coalition with Nick Clegg insisting the extra powers for Scotland ''cannot be made contingent on other constitutional reforms''.
A Downing Street spokesman said a timetable for more powers had been set out, adding: "This Government has delivered on devolution and we will do so again in the next Parliament."
Yet Mr Salmond claimed the Labour and Conservative positions were now "irreconcilable".
He explained: "David Cameron doesn't think he can carry his own backbenchers, never mind the threat from Ukip, unless he links Scottish progress to changes in England.
"Ed Miliband doesn't want to do that because Labour would lose their majority over English business in the House of Commons. That is the log-jam the Westminster leaders got themselves into...Shouldn't they have thought of that before they made a solemn vow and pledge to the Scottish people?"
The First Minister added: "It's the people who voted No - because they believed these commitments from the Westminster leadership - who are feeling most angry, most hurt, most disappointed in Scotland today. The wrath of Khan will be as of nothing to the wrath of a No voter who has been gulled by the Westminster leadership."
Generation Yes say: we'll never forget this...we don't want to give up now
Morgan Horn was one of the thousands of young 16 to 17-year olds who found themselves casting their votes for the first time for Yes.
Energised and enthused by the campaign, she said that thousands of her fellow teenagers have now developed a taste for politics and a desire to continue campaigning for a fairer, socially just Scotland.
A poll taken after the vote shows that 71% of teenagers who gained the right to vote with the historic decision to extend the franchise ticked their box for Yes.
Horn, 18, intends to channel her now-growing political awareness into action in the coming months, with other like-minded teens who joined the grass-roots Generation Yes group in her native Glasgow.
She said: "We'll come back stronger. We can be proud that so many young people became engaged in the campaign and decided that they wanted to vote for a better country and to back a Yes vote.
"I know that I can continue to campaign for change in the country and carry on the fight for an independent Scotland."
Still a schoolgirl when the referendum campaign was launched two years ago, Horn said that she was initially neutral and wanted to keep an open mind before committing to either cause.
A debate organised for young people opened her eyes to the potential of an independent Scotland, leading to her becoming politically active for the first time in her life.
She said: "There was a youth debate organised in Glasgow City Chambers, and I went along and listened to both sides before making my mind up.
"The Yes campaign really impressed me and I found something that I really wanted to be a part of.
"I saw so much energy and passion from the Yes campaigners, and I decided that I wanted to wake up in an independent Scotland on the 19th."
She began talking to other Yes groups in the area and then took the plunge to join the burgeoning Generation Yes group, which was quickly coming together, drawn from a spontaneous movement of like-minded young people. Horn joined more than 100 young activists and campaigners to hit the streets and help work towards a Yes vote by convincing as many people as possible to join the cause.
Horn said: "Generation Yes is a great movement to be part of, and I am very proud of everything we managed to achieve.
"We were out on the streets, handing out leaflets, stickers and reading material, and running stalls and answering people's questions.
"I've never been involved with something like that before and it's an experience I'll never forget. I don't want to give up now and I'm going to keep this fire burning.
"We're taking a break now that the result has come in, but we'll get back together soon to decide what we're going to do and how we can take the movement on."
Her campaign was sprinkled with moments that will stay long in the memory, formed as she travelled round the country trying to convince others to vote Yes.
Horn said: "My proudest moment was the launch of the 'Our Scotland, Our Future' document, which set out the group's vision for an independent Scotland.
"It contained all our thoughts on what the country should look like, and called for an end to austerity and a universal declaration of equality, and said that we should always get the governments we vote for.
"We launched it at the top of Buchanan Street in Glasgow, and Nicola Sturgeon was there. Then we went on a bus tour around Scotland, stopping in places like Falkirk and Stirling to get other young people to sign it."
She added: "Then there were other, less high-profile moments. Like the day of the referendum itself, when I went to vote. I was there at 7am, but stayed outside for a while, and later a man came along. He was angry and in a bad place, but when he came out he thanked me for smiling at him and I knew he was a Yes voter."
Horn continued: "It was quite emotional, thinking I had made a difference to him."
Although the excitement of campaigning every day is now over, and the future uncertain, Horn said that there was little chance of the young independence movement drifting away.
She said that Scotland was now a better place thanks to the debates of the last two years.
Horn said: "This country has changed for the better. We are just not going to sit back down and be quiet again.
"There are so many young people who have become political that nothing is going to be the same again."
Rahman Dahlan bercakap macam budak hingusan
"Persoalan 'siapa jaga' & 'siapa tentera' itu adalah satu maifestasi ketiadaan keyakinan diri. Selepas Sabah KELUAR MALAYSIA, PBB akan meletakkan tentera di Sabah sehingga Sabah benar2 bersedia.
'bagaimana ekonomi' & 'hubungan antarabangsa' boleh dan mampu Sabah tangani sendiri.. Sabah boleh dan mampu bina kepakaran sendiri tanpa campurtangan dan kekangan dari pihak luar.
Inflasi adalah fenomena biasa dalam putaran ekonomi yang boleh dan mampu ditangani dengan sumber sedia ada dan yang paling penting tanpa pengaruh dasar kabotaj.
'Kedudukan Sabah di mata dunia' sudah pasti bakal setanding kalaupun tidak mengatasi kedudukan negara-negara lain di Asia Tenggara. Impian "Dubai of the Far East" dengan mudah tercapai melalui dasar-dasar ekonomi mantap dan tanpa diganggugugat oleh dasar kabotaj penjajah.
Rahman Dahlan bercakap macam budak hingusan yang fikir Sabahan masih berfikiran kuno dan dengan mudah dikongkong oleh doktrin penjajah?..
Alahai! Rahman Dahlan.."
Sunday, September 21, 2014
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Catalan parliament approves November independence vote
The Catalan parliament has passed a law giving its regional president the power to carry out a non-binding consultation vote on secession from Spain. Catalan nationalists believe this law enables them to hold the long-awaited independence referendum.
On Friday, the Catalan parliament voted in favor of the new law, with 106 MPs supporting it and 28 voting against.
The MPs hope it will bring Catalan President Artur Mas a step closer to the planned independence referendum on November 9.
However, while the nationalist block thinks the bill directly paves the way for a referendum on independence, the Catalan socialists who allied with them for the vote do not share this opinion.
The Spanish government called the Catalan consultation vote illegal and said it will be taking the matter up at the Constitutional Court. The court has the power to suspend the vote after it hears the case on Tuesday.
Madrid maintains that any kind of secession vote has to be decided by the whole country, citing Spain’s 1978 constitution.
Catalonia’s new law comes right after Scotland voted “No” to independence, but Mas said that the people should not see it as a discouraging sign.
Mas stressed that the fact Scotland had a referendum to decide on this issue was “key.”
“This is a powerful and strong message that the UK is sending to the entire world – that if there is such a conflict elsewhere in the world you have the right way to try to resolve these differences,” he said.
Scotland “has shown the way to others – the Catalan process continues,” Mas added.

On September 12, Europe saw one of the largest demonstrations in recent years: at least 1.8 million people formed an 11km red-yellow line to show their support for the upcoming independence referendum.
Sunday, September 21, 2014
United Nation
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Malaysia: UN rights office urges review of colonial-era Sedition Act
16 September 2014 – The United Nations human rights office today urged Malaysian authorities to immediately stop investigations and prosecutions under a 1948 law that curbed free speech and freedom of expression in the South-east Asian nation.
“We are concerned about the recent increase in the use of the 1948 Sedition Act to arrest and prosecute people for their peaceful expression of opinion in Malaysia,” the spokesperson for the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights, Rupert Colville, said in Geneva.
Since the beginning of August, at least 19 people, including religious leaders, civil society actors, political opposition members and activists, a university professor and a journalist have been charged or placed under investigation for sedition, according to the Office of the High Commissioner (OHCHR).
Most recently, an investigation was opened against Edmund Bon, a human rights and constitutional lawyer, for comments in an article on the legal use of the word “Allah,” which were critical of current restrictions on members of the other religious groups using the term.
The UN right office said it was also concerned that the authorities in Malaysia are arbitrarily applying the Sedition Act to silence critical voices.
The Act is “overly broad and does not outline well-defined criteria for sedition,” Mr. Colville said speaking on behalf of the OHCHR.
“We call on the Government to quickly initiate a promised review of the Act and to repeal or amend it in line with its international human rights obligations.”
Cop seek three people linked to Doris Jones
Sabah police are investigating the call for secession as a sedition case.
KOTA KINABALU: Police are seeking three individuals identified as being involved in the secession call of the Sabah Sarawak Keluar Malaysia movement (SSKM).Their assistance is being sought to help with investigations.
“We cannot reveal much information as the case is still under investigation,” said Sabah Police Commissioner Jalaluddin Abdul Rahman. “The case of Doris Jones, the author of the SSKM page in Facebook, is still being investigated.”
He was commenting on the status of the UK-based Sabah-born Jones, whose statement police are also seeking.
Jalaluddin confirmed that the three individuals are Malaysians, but may not be from Sabah. He declined to elaborate.
He said police were investigating the case under the Sedition Act.
Secession calls: 3 to be charged
By Tracy Patrick
Kota Kinabalu: POLICE have identified three individuals who allegedly spread seditious statements and information on social media, particularly in relation to the so-called attempt to secede Sabah from Malaysia.
Sabah Police Commissioner Datuk Jalaluddin Abdul Rahman said two of the suspects will be charged under the Sedition Act 1948 and one will be charged under Section 500 of the Penal Code for criminal defamation.
"Police are currently in the process of arresting these individuals. All three suspects are Malaysians," he told a press conference, here, Saturday. He said the suspects committed the offences a few times.
"The Sabah Sarawak Keluar Malaysia (SSKM) issue is still under police observation and investigation. Any message or statements published in the social media which is seditious in nature, no matter what the issue is, we will open our investigation.
"That means, the police will always monitor all social media and will look for these types of messages which can be considered defamation or sedition," he said.
The three suspects, said Jalaluddin, are believed to be in the country and confirmed that all their statements have something to do with Sabah.
"We do not know which group they belong to, whether SSKM or not. As it is the nature of social media, they can set up any group anytime and we wouldn't know unless we have put them under arrest and investigate.
"But their personal details, their age, gender, we have identified. They are Malaysians but we believe they reside outside of Sabah, according to their address," he said.
Jalaluddin also commented that SSKM administrator Doris Jones based in Britain is still under investigation and did not deny the possibility of a link between Jones and the three suspects.
Meanwhile, he denied receiving any police report from Kapayan Assemblyman Edwin Bosi who claimed to have lodged a report regarding the tampering of words on the Oath Stone in Keningau.
In another development, Jalaluddin reminded NGOs, political parties and the public to notify the police in their respective districts if they want to organise a public gathering.
"At least 10 days before the scheduled event, notify the police. This is because on Sept 16, there were two gatherings organised by two NGOs which were held without getting any permit.
"Thus they have breached the law under the Peaceful Assembly Act. Two police reports have therefore been lodged, one in Kota Kinabalu and the other in Keningau," he said adding that investigation is ongoing.