Wednesday, 3 September 2014
Wednesday, September 03, 2014
18 Points
20 Points
Agreement of Malaysia
Exposing the Truth
Federation of Malaysia 16 September 1963
Jeffrey G.Kitingan
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If the basis of formation is not honoured, Sabah and Sarawak have the legal right not to continue with Malaysia. In such a scenario, de-merger or dissolution of Malaysia would be the last and forced option for Sabah and Sarawak. It is not treasonous.
Datuk Dr. Jeffrey Kitingan, Chairman, STAR Sabah
“DPM Muhyiddin, the Home Minister, the IGP and the federal government should correct the true facts of history and restore the basis of the formation of Malaysia on 16 September 1963 and not create mis-information on the rights of Sabah and Sarawak who formed Malaysia with the Federation of Malaya by threatening nationalists who are seeking the restoration of these rights” said Datuk Dr. Jeffrey Kitingan, Chairman of STAR SABAH responding to threats of action against alleged secessionists.
The issue of secession does not arise at all. In 1963, Sabah and Sarawak merged with the Federation of Malaya and Singapore to form Malaysia and partly to help solve their problems.
If we go back in history in 1965, it will be noted that the federal government and the government of Singapore signed the separation agreement even before the matter was tabled in the federal parliament for approval on 9 August 1965.
“Wouldn’t it be secessionist and treasonous for the separation agreement to be signed before it was tabled in Parliament?”
Wouldn’t the calls by Umno leaders, religious bigots and Malay extremists to chase out other Malaysians and for them to leave the federation be separatist, seditious and treasonous? asked Dr. Jeffrey.
The real issue at hand is that the people in Sabah and Sarawak are unhappy and they have every right to voice their unhappiness with their many, many grievances.
Sabahans and Sarawakians now realize that they have been taken for a ride and cheated by Malaya in the name of the federal government. Malaya have taken over and treated Sabah as it is a Malayan colony.
The federal leaders should take a drive round Sabah and look at the reality of the situation in Sabah.
In 2010, the World Bank reported that Sabah is the poorest State in Malaysia where 40% of the nation’s poor are in Sabah and Labuan. This is re-affirmed by the PM’s Department in 2012. This is a slap for the federal and Sabah governments for Sabah would have contributed some RM63.3 billion to Petronas and the federal government for 2012-2014 while only receiving RM3.34 billion.
Apart from being the poorest, its oil and gas resources have been taken away, loss of State revenues, population re-engineered with the unlawful issuance of dubious ICs and MyKads to non-qualified immigrants and the rights of Sabah trampled and the Malaysia Agreement not complied with.
There is nothing sinister or wrong for Sabah and Sarawak to want their rights in MA63 including the 20-Points to be respected and honoured together with the promises and assurances made by the Malayan leaders. There is nothing seditious or treasonous in raising these rights and voicing out these grouses. The IGP should know Sabah rights better by just noticing that the head of the police in Sabah is different from the CPOs in the other Malayan states.
The Malayan federal leaders will be committing the greatest sin against Malaysia as well as against Sabah if they arrest the people to shut our voices.
The world is watching.
“Sabahans and Sarawakians will not be cowed by the threats of arrest as the fight for their rights will go on even with my arrest. I do not intend to prepare anything and I will just pray. Any arrest will be good for the struggle for Sabah and Sarawak and it will get stronger and eventually lead to the separation of the Borneo States” stressed Dr. Jeffrey.
Before carrying out any arrests, the federal leaders need to understand that Sabah and Sarawak agreed to the formation of Malaysia. Sabahans and Sarawakians are clamouring for the restoration of their rights which are well documented.
If the basis of formation is not honoured, Sabah and Sarawak have the legal right not to continue with Malaysia. In such a scenario, de-merger or dissolution of Malaysia would be the last and forced option for Sabah and Sarawak. It is not treasonous.
It would be treason if the Malaya/federal governments fail or refuse to honour the basis of the formation of Malaysia.
If the federal government and the IGP wish to carry out arrests, the first people they should arrest for treason should be those that were involved in Project IC and the issuance of dubious MyKads and ICs to foreigners and making them as Umno members/Sabahan voters. The evidence is all in the RCI hearings.
The people especially in Sabah and Sarawak should not be prevented from voicing their grievances. After all, it is their future and the future of Sabah and Sarawak which concerns them
Polis Sabah Tubuh Pasukan Khas Tangani Isu Hasutan
KOTA KINABALU, 3 Sept (Bernama) -- Polis Sabah telah menubuhkan pasukan khas bagi menangani hasutan agar Sabah dan Sarawak keluar dari Malaysia.
Pesuruhjaya Polis Sabah, Datuk Jalaluddin Abdul Rahman berkata semua ketua polis daerah (OCPD) akan disediakan garis panduan dan prosedur operasi standard (SOP) bagi memastikan keharmonian terus wujud di negeri ini.
"Saya akan memantau Internet serta laman sosial termasuk kegiatan yang dilakukan kumpulan NGO dan persatuan tidak didaftar atau berdaftar yang cuba membuat perhimpunan dan perkara yang tidak mengikut Akta Perhimpunan Aman demi keselamatan, keharmonian dan keselamatan rakyat Sabah," katanya pada sidang media di sini hari ini.
Beliau berkata pasukan khas itu turut melibatkan kerjasama Suruhanjaya Komunikasi dan Multimedia Malaysia (SKMM) untuk mengenal pasti pemilik akaun laman sosial khususnya Facebook yang mengeluarkan kenyataan berkenaan.
Mengenai kenyataan Timbalan Ketua Polis Negara, Tan Sri Mohd Bakri Mohd Zinin bahawa polis telah mengenal pasti individu yang mengeluarkan kenyataan untuk membawa Sabah keluar dari Malaysia, beliau berkata individu itu berkemungkinan dari Sabah dan tidak menolak dia bermaustatin di tempat lain.
"Kita akan mendapat maklumat dari SKMM, maklumat (kenyataan) itu dari rakyat Sabah dan lain-lain lagi masih dalam siasatan. Apa yang penting kita cari saksi dan pemilik akaun itu," katanya.
Dalam pada itu, Jalaluddin berkata pihaknya menerima satu laporan polis semalam berhubung terdapat kumpulan yang aktif menyampaikan gerakan membawa Sabah keluar dari Malaysia termasuk sebuah yang menggelarkan Sabah Sarawak Keluar Malaysia (SSKM) menerusi laman sosial seperti blog, Facebook dan Tweeter.
Katanya satu kertas siasatan dibuka di bawah Seksyen 4 (1) Akta Hasutan berhubung tindakan kumpulan dan NGO terbabit yang juga didakwa aktif menyampaikan kempen dan mengedar risalah berbaur hasutan di kampung dan kawasan pedalaman Sabah.
"Polis telah merakam percakapan pengadu dan mengambil keterangan saksi lain untuk menegakkan siasatan.
"Apa yang penting saya akan mencari siapa yang melaksana kempen-kempen itu kerana sumber dari Internet dan blog yang mereka cetak, menunjukkan kumpulan itu memasuki kampung dan pedalaman berjumpa golongan tua dan muda adalah tidak bagus dan meracuni pemikiran rakyat," katanya.
Sehubungan itu Jalaluddin meminta masyarakat khususnya di Sabah agar tidak terpengaruh dengan khabar angin berkaitan isu tersebut bagi mencegah sebarang perbuatan yang boleh memudaratkan keselamatan serta memecah-belahkan perkauman dan agama di negara ini.
"Saya juga menasihatkan agar (pihak) jangan meracuni pemikiran rakyat terutama golongan remaja kerana isu keselamatan dan ancaman boleh mengugat kestabilan ekonomi dan keharmonian negara," katanya.
Beliau berkata pihaknya akan berusaha untuk mengumpulkan bukti dan fakta yang berkaitan untuk membawa mereka yang terlibat ke muka pengadilan selain meminta orang ramai dan saksi tampil memberi kerjasama serta maklumat kepada polis.
Sabah secessionist group under sedition probe, cops confirm
KOTA KINABALU, Sept 3 — Sabah police have kicked off a sedition probe on the owners of a Facebook page propagating the secession of Sabah and Sarawak from Malaysia, state police commissioner Deputy Comm Datuk Jalaluddin Abdul Rahman said.
DCP Jalaluddin said a special taskforce has been formed with the Malaysian Communications and Multimedia Commission (MCMC) to identify those behind the controversial page dubbed “Sabah Sarawak Keluar Malaysia” (SSKM), as well as its affiliated blog and other social media websites.
“We are still in the process of gathering all the witnesses to facilitate investigations under Section 4 of the Sedition Act,” he said, declining to elaborate on the suspects.
He said the group has allegedly influenced Sabah’s rural folk by using “distorted facts” from the blog, which he said has been inciting sentiments that could cause racial disunity and create public disorder.
“Talk of separation from Malaysia is seditious and can threaten public order. We hope that members of the public can come forward and provide us with more information,” Jalaluddin told a press conference here.
The state police chief said the police are also monitoring the social media websites run by NGOs and other unregistered groups that organise unlawful assemblies.
A civil activist group Sabah Solidarity Organisation had previously lodged a police report against SSKM, alleging a hate campaign using social network sites such as Facebook and
Twitter, as well as newsletters and blogs. According to its blog site, SSKM, formed in August 2011, is petitioning for 300,000 signatures to support its stand to reinstate the 1963 Malaysia Agreement.
The group is led by Doris Jones, a Sabahan and UK-based lawyer.
SSKM has one public Facebook page with over 1,200 “Likes” and another “closed” group with a following of over 16,000 people, with numbers climbing since the report was lodged yesterday.
The group also has a blog with over 101,000 page views and several videos of historical facts and local people voicing their issues, one which has over 108,000 views since it was posted two years ago.
When contacted by the Malay Mail Online, Jones said she has received many threatening messages since the page was put up but has yet to receive any contact from the Home Ministry or the police.
“They can shut it (the blog or Facebook page) if they wish, but I can create another or many more to serve the same purpose. We are ready to deal with them,” she said.
Wednesday, September 03, 2014
Agreement of Malaysia
Doris Jones
Exposing the Truth
North Borneo
Borneo ‘decolonisation’ campaign on Facebook draws high treason claim
Said to be initiated by UK-based Sabahan lawyer Doris Jones, the Sabah Sarawak Keluar Malaysia (SSKM) movement has been promoting “Sarawakian and North Borneo Awareness towards their rights stipulated in Malaysia Agreement and to correct false history” and its Facebook page—one of several online platforms—is stirring unease with a number of followers venting frustrations at the “Malayan government”.
Claiming SSKM was planting extreme racial sentiments against Malaysia’s biggest ethnic group through its videos and social media, newly-formed Sabah Solidarity Organisation (SSO) filed a police complaint to kickstart an investigation against the movement.
“They are trying to champion the rights of the natives of Sabah and Sarawak, but in the process they are planting seeds of hatred for the leaders of the State and country, particularly the Malays,” Musli Oli, who heads SSO, said outside the city police headquarters.
“We hope that the police will investigate the group and take stern action against them for spreading dangerous sentiments,” he added.
SSKM’s Facebook page featured posts calling for boycott of the August 31 celebration of Malaysia’s 57th birthday, posts of historical articles, and news articles on Sabah among others.
An affiliated blog linked to the Facebook page said SSKM to be a non-partisan organisation formed on August 9, 2011. It also featured several videos promoting borderline anti-Malaya statements and pro-Borneo sentiments, which has over gained over 108,000 views.
Both the Facebook page and blog carry a petition demanding the reinstatement of Sabah’s 20-point Malaysia Agreement and for self-determination, which it said will be sent to the United Nations in New York.
Malay Mail Online has contacted the SSKM website and Facebook page administrator for comment and has yet to receive a reply.
Development disparity in resource-rich Sabah has caused its natives to voice their increasing unhappiness at the federal government, whom they blame for the problems wracking their home state.
Some have suggested Sabah secede from Malaysia.
Yesterday, Home Minister Datuk Seri Dr Ahmad Zahid Hamidi said that they have identified the individuals involved in pushing for secession and will be taking action against them soon.
Last Saturday, Deputy Prime Minister Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yassin said that those who pushed for Sabah’s secession from the federation could face stern action.
Muhyiddin also warned that the Government would not tolerate those who went to the United Nations, questioning Sabah’s position.
Two groups—Sarawak Association of People’s Aspiration (SAPA) and United Borneo Front (UBF), led by Datuk Dr Jeffrey Kitingan—have been openly calling for support on a petition to collect 300,000 signatures for the petition.
Secession is considered treason under Malaysian law, and discourse on the topic falls under the Sedition Act.
Opposition parties like SAPP, PKR and DAP has since called for the government to listen to the grievances that is bringing on the sentiments but has disassociated themselves from the call for secession.
***Please continue your reading by clicking this (continue your reading here) update news which is a respond towards the police reportd lodged by sms ngo.***
***Please continue your reading by clicking this (continue your reading here) update news which is a respond towards the police reportd lodged by sms ngo.***
Wednesday, September 03, 2014
Agreement of Malaysia
North Borneo
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DAP not for secession
Lim Kit Siang says advocating secession would result in a charge of sedition as warned by our DPM.

“Advocating secession is sedition under Malaysian law,” acknowledged DAP advisor Lim Kit Siang during a visit here for Merdeka.
He was commenting on a statement by Deputy Prime Minister Muhyiddin Yassin in Sipitang last Saturday that “Sabah belongs to Malaysia” and that action would be taken against those advocating the Borneo nation’s secession from the Federation.
Lim added that no political party, to the best of his knowledge, advocated secession from Malaysia.
What the DAP wanted to see, stressed Lim, was democratic change and reform in the country.
There were many public forums in Borneo and elsewhere since Sept 16 last year that marked the 50th year of Sabah and Sarawak’s Federation with the peninsula.
Three of those forums held in Kuala Lumpur, Melbourne and Canberra respectively, with the latest being a pre-Merdeka talk, “Malaysia at the Crossroads” in Kota Kinabalu, carried the message that it cannot be business as usual in Borneo for Putrajaya.
It is not known whether the Attorney-General will now haul the speakers at these public forums to court for “seditious” remarks and/or advocating seditious tendencies.
A 2nd People’s Petition, the first being in 1962, was also making its way around Borneo to collect 300,000 signatures for submission to the United Nations on the plight of Sabah and Sarawak in the Federation with the peninsula.
An appeal by activists is also before Queen Elizabeth for a Royal Inquiry into the exact nature and circumstances of the British departure from Borneo.
The appeal refers to a similar inquiry on Hong Kong which was held in London recently.
Rumpun Melayu mere political fiction
The term “Malay” was codified for the first time by British colonialists in the peninsula and may be found in Article 160 of the Federal Constitution.

“Masidi Manjun is a Dusun who is suffering from an identity crisis just because he happened to be a Muslim and finds himself in Umno, a peninsula-based party in Sabah,” said the president of the US-based Borneo’s Plight in Malaysia Foundation (BoPIM), Daniel John Jambun.
The comments by Masidi, the Sabah Minister of Tourism, Culture and Environment, were carried extensively in the local media.
Daniel stressed that it’s unbecoming of Masidi to challenge anyone to Google and prove him wrong.
“There’s a lot of information out there in cyberspace but that doesn’t mean it is correct or accurate,” said Daniel in urging Masidi not to play politics with the issue.
“Only subject matter experts can interpret it, especially given recent advances in DNA techniques,” added Daniel.
Daniel also said that what the people believed was important. He said in that sense, “No Orang Asal in his right mind” would be happy to call himself Malay or even a member of any Rumpun Melayu, he added.
“All nationalisms are defined by what they oppose,” said Daniel. “The Dayaks in Borneo includes the Dusun, which in turn includes the Kadazan and others, and all are opposed to any Malay or Muslim domination. That’s crystal clear for all to see.”
Daniel urged those interested in ethnic origins to check their DNA for confirmation that all the people of Southeast Asia, South China and Taiwan came from the same stock. “There’s no so-called Malay stock separate from this stock,” he said. “It’s political fiction.”
The term Malay, said Daniel, was codified for the first time by British colonialists in the peninsula and may be found in Article 160 of the Federal Constitution.
Daniel said that this codification was in recognition of the historical origins of the Malay language which was created by Hindus and Buddhists from India, based on a Cambodian dialect to be the lingua franca of the Archipelago, and hence the term Malay Archipelago.
This linguistic evolution, he explained, was for missionary, trade, administration and educational purposes.
Revisiting the debate on stock raised by Masidi, Daniel said the common stock in the Archipelago, the rest of Southeast Asia, South China and Taiwan owe their origin to Dravidians (archaic Caucasoid) who went from South India to South China and Taiwan and mated with the Mongoloid tribes there.
“These Mongoloid tribes are a specialisation descended from one branch of Dravidians who entered South China from Afghanistan,” said Daniel. “The other branch entered India.”
Wednesday, September 03, 2014
20 Points
Agreement of Malaysia
Exposing the Truth
Jeffrey G.Kitingan
North Borneo
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Jeffrey: Threats don’t intimidate me
Sabah's Bingkor assemblyman says arresting him will only strengthen the struggle.

“I will not be cowed by threats of arrest and the fight for freedom will go on even without me,” he swore in a Salam Merdeka Sabah message circulated among WhatsApp groups. He added, “The world is watching.”
Jeffrey warned, “The arrest, if it comes, will be the end of Malaysia.
“The arrests will be good for the struggle. It will get stronger and will eventually lead to the separation of the Borneo states.”
The Star Sabah chairman and Bingkor assemblyman affirmed that the question of secession as alleged by Deputy Prime Minister Muhyiddin Yassin and the top police brass did not arise.
Jeffrey said, “The issue is that Sabahans and Sarawakians now realise that they have been taken for a ride and cheated by Malaya in the name of the Federal Government.
“Malaya has become Malaysia and taken over Sabah as if it’s a colony.
“If raising our rights and voicing our grouses is treasonous and the Federal Government wants to arrest us for secession to shut our voices, so be it.”
Jeffrey said Sabah and Sarawak wanted their rights secured through an agreement and the Malaysia Agreement 1963 and 20/18 Points to be respected and complied with.
“Look at our situation today. Sabah the poorest, our population changed, our oil and revenues taken,” lamented Jeffrey. “We merged Sabah and Sarawak with Singapore and Malaya to help solve their problems.”
Dayaks offended by call to behead ‘headhunters’
The call was made on Facebook by user 'Jemaah ISIS Malaysia'.
KUCHING: Dayaks in Sarawak, famed headhunters of old, are seeing red after two Facebook postings called for their beheading on the grounds that they owe allegiance to “kafir” (infidel) states Sabah and Sarawak.
The postings were credited to a user called “JIM-Jemaah ISIS Malaysia”.
The Dayak National Congress (DNC), an NGO, lodged a police report yesterday on behalf of the Orang Asal in Sarawak.
DNC executive secretary Alim Mideh, in a press statement issued at the Sungai Maong Police Station in Kuching, called for immediate police action against the culprit or culprits. He said he feared that the seditious postings would cause racial and religious riots in Sarawak.
“The Dayaks are very angry over the postings,” said Alim. “The police should put a stop to these to maintain racial harmony.
“If the police do not act, some more emotional members of the Dayak community may take the law into their hands.”
The first posting, which appeared last Thursday, said, “It’s compulsory for Muslims to slaughter the non-Muslims” in Sabah and Sarawak because they were kafir nations.
In another posting on Tuesday, the same user said that Dayaks, being infidels, were destined for hell and should be beheaded.
The user claimed that the genitals of the Dayaks showed through their loincloths and that the Prophet Muhammad was referring to these people when he said people who were “naked although clothed” would inhabit hell.
The offending postings have since been removed.
Wednesday, September 03, 2014
20 Points
Agreement of Malaysia
Exposing the Truth
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Sept 16 “saddest day” for Sabah
Rushing into Federation with Malaya has left Sabah being subordinate to the peninsula.
KOTA KINABALU: Former Sabah Secretary Simon Sipaun personally views Sept 16 1963, when Sabah federated with Malaya, as the saddest day for Sabah. He was then 25 years old.
“Life was better in Sabah before Sept 16,” recalled Simon who has always reminded himself that “man does not live by bread alone”. “Sabah was a pleasant place to live in 1963 despite all the faults of the British.”
Simon was giving his impromptu views during the pre-Merdeka talk, “Malaysia at the Crossroads”, in Kota Kinabalu.
“Personally, I don’t care who runs the show,” Simon hastened to add. “What I want to see is fairness and good governance.”
He cited Indonesia as an example of a country that turned in the right direction when it came to the crossroads.
An example is that an ethnic Chinese was recently elected as the Governor of Jakarta, a post almost as powerful as the presidency. The Chinese, pointed out Simon, form less than two per cent of the population in a largely Muslim nation of 250 million.
The Federation, in contrast according to Simon, has degenerated into notions of racial superiority governed by an increasingly intolerant and belligerent centre reliant on lunatic fringe movements.
The pre-Sept 1963 Sabah, shades of which are still visible, was one where a person’s race and religion did not matter and there was no deliberate influx of illegal immigrants designed to change the demography.
He urged the young to keep all this in mind as they delve into history and try to fathom the basis, if any, for Sabah to be in Federation with the peninsula.
Simon noted that no new federation was set up in 1963 and the Federal Constitution is a “copy and paste” version of the Malayan Constitution.
“I feel that we lost a great opportunity on Sept 16 when we were not allowed to enjoy the independence we won on Aug 31 1963,” lamented Simon. “We were not only rushed into Federation with the peninsula, it was an unfair arrangement. We are subordinates to the peninsula.”
He warned that the advent of the Internet has brought about a sea of change and that the young will not tolerate draconian leaders and laws or any attempts by the government to “hide the truth”.
Wednesday, September 03, 2014
Doris Jones
North Borneo
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SSKM: Putrajaya penghasut sebenar
Kerajaan "Malaysia" dipimpin oleh sebuah parti yang mempunyai dominasi besar di Sabah melalui sokongan "Pendatang Tanpa Izin (PTI)" khususnya di Pantai Timur Sabah.
KUCHING: Kumpulan yang menggelarkan diri mereka sebagai Sabah Sarawak Keluar Malaysia (SSKM) beranggapan bahawa penghasut yang sebenar ialah kerajaan persekutuan.
“Kerajaan “Malaya” yang menyamar menjadi “Malaysia” kini telah mengeluarkan ancaman berbentuk ugutan kepada pejuang-pejuang Bangsa Borneo daripada Negara Sabah dan Negara Sarawak,” ujar jurucakap SSKM, Doris Jones dalam blog SSKM,
Beliau terkilan dengan ancaman kerajaan persekutuan namun tidak terkejut dengan tindakan yang diambil oleh kerajaan “Malaysia” pimpinan sebuah parti yang mempunyai dominasi besar di Sabah melalui sokongan “Pendatang Tanpa Izin (PTI)” khususnya di Pantai Timur Sabah yang mana kekuatan UMNO-BN lebih kukuh di bahagian ini.
Nama kumpulan “SSKM” digunakan bertujuan untuk melihat sejauh manakah rakyat Sabah dan Sarawak mempunyai sentimen ini, katanya.
“Tujuan SSKM ditubuhkan adalah untuk mendidik bangsa Sabah dan Sarawak mengenai kebenaran yang disembunyikan selama ini dari pengetahuan mereka terutama sekali kepada golongan generasi muda Sabah dan Sarawak.
“Perkongsian ilmu dan maklumat tersebut adalah mengenai sejarah Negara Sabah (dahulunya dikenali sebagai North Borneo) dan Sejarah Negara Sarawak sebelum perang Dunia Pertama, Kedua, Penjajahan British, Kerajaan Dirajah James Brooke, sebelum Pembentukkan Malaysia serta selepas Pembentukkan Malaysia,” beliau menambah.
Menjawab mengenai tuduhan hasutan oleh Persekutuan, Doris berkata perkataan dan tuduhan “hasutan” yang digunakan oleh kerajaan persekutuan yang memerintah sekarang terhadap SSKM adalah satu tuduhan untuk menampakkan SSKM berada ditempat yang salah.
“Pihak kerajaan persekutuan ingin menyembunyikan pengkhianatan mereka dan menampakkan diri mereka sebagai pemimpin-pemimpin yang terbaik sedangkan semua orang tahu siapa diri mereka ini,” katanya.
Wednesday, September 03, 2014
18 Points
20 Points
Agreement of Malaysia
Doris Jones
North Borneo
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Give us our day in court, Sabah secessionist group says
KOTA KINABALU, Sept 3 — A group aiming for the separation of Sabah and Sarawak from Malaysia has said that it would be happy to have its day in court to state its case even as the government claimed it had identified individuals driving secessionist talk and may try them for sedition.
The group, “Sabah Sarawak Keluar Malaysia” said in a statement its fight for its cause has been according to the law, historical facts and truths without physical violence.
The group released its statement after claims by the Home Ministry and police that individuals behind talk of Sabah seceding have been identified.
“We believe that the threats in the media from the government is actually strengthening our resolve in Sabah and Sarawak to face them in court and argue our case according to valid facts, so that our voices may be heard officially, whether it is in Malaysia or in the international arena,” the group’s representative, Doris Jones said in the statement.
“The truth is, the world is watching the injustices committed by the Federal Government towards Sabah and Sarawak,” she added.

“If these actions are considered wrong in the eyes of the Federal Government then that is their problems not ours,” she said.
SKMM has one public Facebook page with over 1,000 “Likes” and another “closed” group with a following of 16,000 people.
The group also has a blog with over 93,000 page views and several videos of historical facts and local people voicing their issues, one which has over 108,000 views since it was posted two years ago.
When contacted by the Malay Mail Online, Jones said she not received any contact from Home Ministry or the police.
“They can shut it (the blog or Facebook page) if they wish, but I can create another or many more to serve the same purpose. We are ready to deal with them,” she said adding that she has received many queries and interview requests from international media.
***Please continue your reading by clicking this (continue your reading here) news which is the initial article about the police lodged by sms ngo.***
***Please continue your reading by clicking this (continue your reading here) news which is the initial article about the police lodged by sms ngo.***
Wednesday, September 03, 2014
18 Points
20 Points
Agreement of Malaysia
Exposing the Truth
Jeffrey G.Kitingan
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“Honour MA63 and Stop Threatening the People –Dr.Jeffrey”
Kota Kinabalu: “DPM Muhyiddin, the Home Minister, the IGP and the federal government should correct the true facts of history and restore the basis of the formation of Malaysia on 16 September 1963 and not create mis-information on the rights of Sabah and Sarawak who formed Malaysia with the Federation of Malaya by threatening nationalists who are seeking the restoration of these rights”said Datuk Dr.Jeffrey Kitingan, Chairman of STAR SABAH responding to threats of action against alleged secessionists.
The issue of secession does not arise at all. In 1963, Sabah and Sarawak merged with the Federation of Malaya and Singapore to form Malaysia and partly to help solve their problems.
If we go back in history in 1965, it will be noted that the federal government and the government of Singapore signed the separation agreement even before the matter was tabled in the federal parliament for approval on 9 August 1965.
“Wouldn’t it be secessionist and treasonous for the separation agreement to be signed before it was tabled in Parliament?”
Wouldn’t the calls by Umno leaders, religious bigots and Malay extremists to chase out other Malaysians and for them to leave the federation be separatist, seditious and treasonous? asked Dr. Jeffrey.
The real issue at hand is that the people in Sabah and Sarawak are unhappy and they have every right to voice their unhappiness with their many, many grievances.
Sabahans and Sarawakians now realize that they have been taken for a ride and cheated by Malaya in the name of the federal government. Malaya have taken over and treated Sabah as it is a Malayan colony.
The federal leaders should take a drive round Sabah and look at the reality of the situation in Sabah.
In 2010, the World Bank reported that Sabah is the poorest State in Malaysia where 40% of the nation’s poor are in Sabah and Labuan. This is re-affirmed by the PM’s Department in 2012.
This is a slap for the federal and Sabah governments for Sabah would have contributed some RM63.3 billion to Petronas and the federal government for 2012-2014 while only receiving RM3.34 billion.
Apart from being the poorest, its oil and gas resources have been taken away, loss of State revenues, population re-engineered with the unlawful issuance of dubious ICs and MyKads to non-qualified immigrants and the rights of Sabah trampled and the Malaysia Agreement not complied with.
There is nothing sinister or wrong for Sabah and Sarawak to want their rights in MA63 including the 20-Points to be respected and honoured together with the promises and assurances made by the Malayan leaders.
There is nothing seditious or treasonous in raising these rights and voicing out these grouses.The IGP should know Sabah rights better by just noticing that the head of the police in Sabah is different from the CPOs in the other Malayan states.
The Malayan federal leaders will be committing the greatest sin against Malaysia as well as against Sabah if they arrest the people to shut our voices.
The world is watching.
“Sabahans and Sarawakians will not be cowed by the threats of arrest as the fight for their rights will go on even with my arrest. I do not intend to prepare anything and I will just pray. Any arrest will be good for the struggle for Sabah and Sarawak and it will get stronger and eventually lead to the separation of the Borneo States” stressed Dr. Jeffrey.
Before carrying out any arrests, the federal leaders need to understand that Sabah and Sarawak agreed to the formation of Malaysia. Sabahans and Sarawakians are clamouring for the restoration of their rights which are well documented.
If the basis of formation is not honoured, Sabah and Sarawak have the legal right not to continue with Malaysia. In such a scenario, de-merger or dissolution of Malaysia would be the last and forced option for Sabah and Sarawak. It is not treasonous.
It would be treason if the Malaya/federal governments fail or refuse to honour the basis of the formation of Malaysia.
If the federal government and the IGP wish to carry out arrests, the first people they should arrest for treason should be those that were involved in Project IC and the issuance of dubious MyKads and ICs to foreigners and making them as Umno members/Sabahan voters. The evidence is all in the RCI hearings.
The people especially in Sabah and Sarawak should not be prevented from voicing their grievances.
After all, it is their future and the future of Sabah and Sarawak which concerns them.
YB Datuk Dr. Jeffrey Kitingan
Chairman, STAR Sabah
02September 2014