KOTA KINABALU - “When people talk about separation or secession it means that they are fed-up with the situation and see no hope to their future except opting out” said Datuk Dr. Jeffrey Kitingan, STAR Sabah Chief, responding to reports that talk of secession is treasonous and threats of being cited for sedition.
It is wrong for any leader or even the government and Ministers to keep on threatening the people and warning them every time there is a mention of wanting to get out of Malaysia. Instead, they leaders should take the opportunity to listen to the grouses of the people. They cannot seem to understand or refuse to understand the truth behind the discussions and calls for getting out.
They should acknowledge the rising call for separation/secession as a serious sign of dissatisfaction and a cry for solution to deeper underlying problems.
After 50 years in Malaysia, Malaysians are becoming more and more aware of the true history of formation in 1963 and the distortion and manipulation of the true history and the unfair treatment of Sabah, Sarawak and their people.
The true history is Malaya gained independence on 31 August 1957 and Malaysia was only formed on 16 September 1963 through the federation of Malaya, Sabah, Sarawak and Singapore (which left in 1965) as equal partners. There was no Malaysia before 1963 and there would be no Malaysia today without Sabah and Sarawak.
This is not the Malaysia that the founding fathers of Sabah and Sarawak had wanted. In fact, Tun Fuad Stephens in 1963 rejected that Sabah, Sarawak and Brunei be the 12th, 13th and 14th states when he said the following:-

Alas, it is not to be. Today, instead of promoting racial harmony and national unity, the Umno-led federal government is promoting and condoning racial and religious bigotry, intolerance and inciting hatred and diluting and restricting religious freedom. The indigenous natives are marginalized and in Sabah over-run with illegal immigrants granted dubious ICs and MyKads and with voting rights and the racist Umno treating Sabah as its colony as fixed deposit and private property.
Umno in its racism and racial and religious extremism cannot be better said than Pehin Sri Chief Minister of Sarawak who wanted his successor and other leaders to keep Umno and their brand of politics out of Sarawak.
Instead of threats by his Ministers, what PM Najib can do as a positive step is to immediately set-up a Cabinet level National Malaysia Review Committee to review the Malaysia Agreement which is long overdue for 40 years. At the same time, the PM should re-activate the Inter-Governmental Committee (IGC) to review and implement the Malaysia Agreement and other recommendations to strengthen the federation-state relations.
The latest threat of sedition by the Umno federal Minister from Sabah is nothing more than pure arrogance and abuse of power and a repeat of the previous unwarranted threats of other federal and Umno Ministers.
Jeffrey said “Claiming for the restoration of these rights and autonomy are nothing more than the equivalent claim for Malay rights in the Peninsula. Separation or separation is always an open option, whether it is the best option is a separate matter altogether.”
Choosing to opt out given no other viable alternative is merely seeking the only viable solution to the problems with no other viable solutions. The calls and cries of the people in Sabah and Sarawak for their rights and leaving is the result of their political leaders failing to perform what is needed for their people.
The Minister from Sabah, if he still consider himself a Sabahan at heart, should lead the way for the restoration of the position and rights of Sabah and Sarawak and their equal treatment in the federation of Malaysia. He should not behave as though he is the Minister for Malaya and the Umno Malays and not abuse his position and power to threaten the people who are doing no wrong. As a Sabahan, he should fight for what is best for Sabah and Sabahans and not what is best for Umno/Malaya.
The biggest threat to the break-up of Malaysia is from the leaders like the Minister and the Umno-led ruling government that in itself is more seditious and a bigger threat to the well-being of the nation.
If at all there is any sedition, the Minister should review the calls by his Umno leaders, members and leaders and Umno-back or racist NGOs who threaten other peace loving Malaysians and chasing them out from the federation as well as those that incite racial intolerance and hatred against other Malaysians in the name of Malay rights and religion.
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