Sabah dan Sarawak adalah BERSTATUS NEGARA dan bukannya Negeri.

Sabah dan Sarawak adalah sebuah Negara yang MERDEKA DAN BERDAULAT yang mana kedua - dua NEGARA ini telah bersama-sama dengan Singapura dan Malaya untuk membentuk Persekutuan Malaysia pada 16 September 1963.

Happy Sabah (North Borneo) Independence Day 51 Years

Sabah or previously known as North Borneo was gained Independence Day from British on August 31, 1963. To all Sabahan, do celebrate Sabah Merdeka Day with all of your heart!

Sarawak For Sarawakian!

Sarawak stand for Sarawak! Sarawakian First. Second malaysian!

The Unity of Sabah and Sarawak

Sabah dan Sarawak adalah Negara yang Merdeka dan Berdaulat. Negara Sabah telah mencapai kemerdekaan pada 31 Ogos 1963 manakala Negara Sarawak pada 22 Julai 1963. Sabah dan Sarawak BUKAN negeri dalam Malaysia! Dan Malaysia bukan Malaya tapi adalah Persekutuan oleh tiga buah negara setelah Singapura dikeluarkan daripada persekutuan Malaysia.

Sign Petition to collect 300,000 signatures

To all Sabahan and Sarawakian... We urge you to sign the petition so that we can bring this petition to United Nations to claim our rights back as an Independence and Sovereign Country for we are the Nations that live with DIGNITY!

Decedent of Rajah Charles Brooke

Jason Desmond Anthony Brooke. The Grandson of Rajah Muda Anthony Brooke, and Great Great Grandson of Rajah Charles Brooke

A true Independence is a MUST in Borneo For Sabah and Sarawak.

Sabah (formerly known as North Borneo) and Sarawak MUST gain back its Freedom through a REAL Independence.

Monday, 20 October 2014

Tiada Sebab Mengapa Status Sabah Sarawak sebagai Negara Tidak Boleh Dipulihkan

KOTA MARUDU: "Tiada sebab dan alasan mengapa status Sabah Sarawak sebagai negara tidak boleh dipulihkan walaupun sudah 51 tahun penubuhan Persekutuan Malaysia. Jika regim Malaya mengambilnya, Sabahan dan Sarawakian berhak mendapatnya semula," kata Jebon Janaun, Presiden Momogun Movement for Self-Determination (MOSIK) dalam satu kenyataan. 

Menurutnya, jika regim Malaya sebelum ini telah menurunkan status Sabah dan Sarawak daripada sebuah negara kepada sebuah negeri yang sama taraf dengan negeri-negeri di Malaya, status itu perlu dipulihkan semula sesuai dengan persetujuan dan persefahaman asal. Persekutuan Malaysia dianggotai empat negara yang merdeka dan berdaulat, iaitu Persekutuan Tanah Melayu atau Malaya, Singapura, Borneo Utara (Sabah) dan Sarawak yang telah diisytiharkan pada 16 September 1963, namun Singapura kemudiannya disingkirkan pada 9 Ogos 1965.

Namun, status Sabah dan Sarawak sebagai negara itu perlahan-lahan diturunkan sehingga akhirnya telah diturunkan sepenuhnya pada 27 Ogos 1976, apabila berlaku pindaan terhadap Perlembagaan Persekutuan yang meletakkan Sabah dan Sarawak sama taraf dengan negeri-negeri di Malaya. 

"Ini tidak patut dan amat tidak wajar kerana persetujuan penubuhan Malaysia tidak dipatuhi. Maknanya, Perjanjian Malaysia itu tidak dihormati dan dilaksanakan oleh regim Malaya. Oleh sebab itu, status Sabah dan Sarawak sebagai negara itu perlu dipulihkan oleh people power," katanya meminta supaya Persekutuan Malaysia yang ada sekarang distrukturkan semula mengikut terma dan syarat persetujuan asal.

Status Sabah dan Sarawak sebagai negara itu itu amat penting kerana dengan adanya status itu, Sabah, Sarawak, dan Malaya (selepas Singapura disingkirkan) merupakan rakan kongsi sama taraf dan sama rata serta mempunyai entiti yang berasingan dalam Persekutuan Malaysia. 

"Status Sabah dan Sarawak sebagai negara itu perlu dipulihkan untuk membolehkan Sabah dan Sarawak berkerajaan sendiri atau berautonomi penuh dalam pemerintahan dan pentadbiran, selain menguruskan hal-ehwal ekonomi, " katanya dengan menegaskan bahawa tiada sebab mengapa perjanjian penubuhan Malaysia 1963 tidak boleh dihormati, dihargai, dan dipatuhi jika ingin Persekutuan Malaysia diteruskan. 

Menurutnya, ancaman, ugutan, ataupun tirai besi tidak akan menghalang dan mematahkan perjuangan ini kerana perjuangan ini benar dan berlandaskan kebenaran. Sama ada cepat atau lambat Sabahan dan Sarawakian lambat menerima kebenaran bahawa Sabah, Sarawak, dan Malaya rakan kongsi sama taraf serta entiti yang berasingan dalam Persekutuan Malaysia, namun pada akhirnya perjuangan ini akhirnya akan mencapai kemenangan. 

Jebon Janaun
Presiden Momogun Movement for Self-Determination (MOSIK)
Kota Marudu 
20 Oktober 2014

Jangan ambil remeh usaha Sabah keluar Malaysia

KOTA TINGGI: Pemuda PAS Sabah memandang serius terhadap usaha yang cuba mengeluarkan Sabah daripada Gagasan Malaysia.

Perwakilan Pemuda PAS dari Sabah ketika berbahas ucapan dasar Ketua Pemuda PAS Malaysia mengingatkan tindakan ini perlu diberikan perhatian yang khusus semua pihak termasuk PAS sendiri.

"Kami di Sabah sekarang berdepan dengan satu gerakan terang-terang yang cuba mengeluarkan Sabah daripada Malaysia.

"Usaha ini amat serius dan perlu diberi perhatian kerana ia bukan lagi diperingkat rancang tetapi sudah sampai ke peringkat antarabangsa," ucap beliau pada Muktamar Pemuda PAS Malaysia Kali ke-55 di Dewan Choon Moi.

Jelas perwakilan Sabah itu lagi, Pemuda PAS Sabah menentang tindakan tersebut dan akan menghalang usaha mengeluarkan Sabah dari Malaysia.

"Alasan untuk keluar dari Malaysia ini adalah kerana layanan berat sebelah dari soal pembangunan jika dibandingkan Sabah dengan negeri-negeri lain di semenanjung.

"Kita telah 57 tahun merdeka dan 51 tahun di dalam Malaysia tetapi pembangunan di Sabah jauh ketinggalan, malah menyamai zaman sebelum merdeka," ucap beliau.

Tambah beliau, walaupun Sabah merupakan penyumbang kepada ekonomi negara, namun hasil yang diberikan kepada negeri itu tidak dapat menampung untuk pembangunan Sabah.

"Kerajaan Pusat menganaktirikan Sabah dan menyebabkan ada pihak yang tidak berpuas hati, berusaha mengeluarkan Sabah dari Malaysia.

"PAS perlu bertindak bagi memastikan usaha ini gagal, kami tidak mahu Sabah keluar dari negara yang kita cintai," sambung beliau lagi. – HARAKAHDAILY 17/9/2014

Don't threaten 'separatists', Ghapur tells BN gov't

A BN MP today told Putrajaya not to send ministers to Sabah to threaten its people who are sympathetic to a movement calling for the state's secession from the Malaysian federation.

Abdul Ghapur Salleh (BN-Kalabakan) said instead, the government should look at their grouses which led them to advocate such a cause.

"We cannot take them likely because they are made up of intellectuals. Perhaps they think there are some things Sabah are not getting, that Sabah and Sarawak are not getting its fair share.

"We see ministers coming here, and making threats to take action against them. This is the old way. We are developed now, we don't want threats.

"We want the federal government to listen to what is their problem, do not just assume everything they say is wrong," said the vocal lawmaker.

Isu Sabah: Dengar dulu jangan ancam, kata MP

Datuk Abdul Ghapur Salleh (BN-Kalabakan) menggesa kerajaan supaya tidak mengancam pihak yang meniupkan sentimen untuk membawa Sabah keluar dari Malaysia.

Sebaliknya, beliau menyarankan kerajaan mendengar dahulu masalah yang dicetuskan oleh kumpulan intelektual yang mendakwa wujud ketidakadilan antara Sabah, Sarawak dan Semenanjung Malaysia.

"Di Sabah kebelakangan ini kita nampak, dengar dan baca ada kumpulan-kumpulan intelektual yang terpelajar - mereka ini bercadang meminta Sabah keluar dari Malaysia.

"Ini kita tak boleh pandang ringan Datuk Speaker kerana mereka ini intelektual.

"Mungkin ada perkara-perkara yang mereka fikirkan Sabah tidak dapat - tidak ada pembahagian sama rata di antara Sabah, Sarawak dan Semenanjung.

"Jadi kita nampak pemimpin, menteri datang mereka ini mengancam untuk mengambil tindakan.

"Ini cara dahulu, kita sudah maju kita tak mahu ancaman. Kita mahu kerajaan Persekutuan mendengar masalah mereka ini.

"Kita tak mahu apa yang disuarakan semuanya salah, dengar dahulu," kata Abdul Ghapur di Dewan Rakyat hari ini.

Pada 21 September lalu, Menteri Pertahanan Datuk Seri Hishammuddin Hussein mengingatkan agar masa depan negara tidak digadai demi agenda peribadi untuk membawa Sabah keluar dari Malaysia.

Menyifatkan golongan itu sebagai 'tidak ada kerja lain selain berpolitik', beliau menggesa agar isu keselamatan Sabah dipertimbangkan dalam perkara itu.

Sebelum itu, pada 11 Spetember polis menahan tiga individu selama dua tahun di pusat pemulihan kerana mempunyai kaitan dengan usaha pihak tertentu untuk membawa keluar Sabah dari Malaysia.

Ketua Polis Negara, Tan Sri Khalid Abu Bakar, berkata ketiga-tiga individu terbabit adalah dua warga Malaysia, Abu Bakar Jayari dan Zainuddin Mislani dan seorang pendatang tanpa izin warga Filipina, Kassim Ibrahim.

Sarawak’s had enough ‘hot air’ talk

Kuching MP says most of Putrajaya’s policies are Peninsular Malaysia-centric.

KUALA LUMPUR: Sarawak has had enough of Prime Minister Najib Tun Razak’s sweet talk about increasing the allocation for Sarawak.

“It’s only hot air because when we look at the 2015 Budget, we do not see Sarawak getting more allocation,” said Kuching MP Chong Chieng Jen when debating the budget speech in Parliament.

“Let the Sarawak government decide on its own how to develop Sarawak. Meet our demand for 20 per cent oil royalty.”

Chong, who is also the DAP Sarawak chairman, reminded Putrajaya that there were parallels between Scotland, which held a Referendum on September 18, and Sabah and Sarawak on the other hand.

The perception that Scotland was being unfairly treated by the British government, an echo of similar feelings in Sabah and Sarawak vis-à-vis Putrajaya, resulted in the September 18 Referendum, Chong pointed out.

“Is the Federal government going to suppress sentiments (in Sabah and Sarawak) by resorting to the Sedition Act?” asked Chong. “The British government dealt with conflict through a Referendum and not by clamping down on dissent by using laws like the Sedition Act.”

“Is the government going to allow a referendum to be held in Borneo, like in Scotland?”

The grouses of Sabahans and Sarawakians, he continued, were not unfounded as most of Putrajaya’s policies were in favour of the peninsula.

The RM400 million the government paid in highway concessions to keep toll rates low, RM50 billion mass rapid transit (MRT) project, and the housing policy will not benefit Borneo, argued Chong in citing three examples of Putrajaya being Peninsular Malaysia-centric.

Giving an analogy, he claimed that villages in Sarawak for example don’t even have access roads while Peninsular Malaysians enjoy the luxury of griping about traffic jams.

“The feeling that they were being unfairly treated has resulted in movements like Sarawak for Sarawakians, Sarawak Autonomy Movement, Sarawak Sovereignty Movement, and Sabah Sarawak Keluar Malaysia (SSKM),” he said.

Minister admits he is powerless to control Facebook

Facebook users are not registered in Malaysia but overseas.

KUALA LUMPUR: The Communication and Multimedia minister admitted today that his ministry was powerless to control Facebook because most users did not use their real names when registering for an account.

The minister Shabery Cheek also said his ministry did not have the authority to close Facebook accounts.

“We can request to close the FB account but in the end it’s still up to FB whether to close it down or not. When they (FB users) register, they’re registering with FB, not us.” he said.

Facebook postings came under scrutiny recently, especially the postings of sex-blogger Alvin Tan and his girlfriend.

Tan’s most recent posting insulted the IGP while a Sabah and Sarawak Facebook group called for secession.

Shabery said Tan who was charged under the Communication and Multimedia Act, had his case postponed and had now resorted to posting insulting statements from overseas.

“Since our national law will not be applicable overseas, we can’t do much,” the minister said.

Shabery was responding to a question by Noh Haji Omar (Tanjong Karang) on issues of media freedom.

Shabery said there were 19.2 million Internet users and the Communication and Multimedia Ministry had received 1,225 complaints regarding the misuse of social media; representing only 0.006% of overall users.

He also said the government had no intention to ban Facebook as was the case in China .

Sabah projects should go to Sabah firms, Dewan told

KUALA LUMPUR: Development projects in Sabah should be given to locals there instead of wealthy companies from the peninsula, a Sabah Barisan Nasional MP said in Parliament.

Kalabakan MP Datuk Seri Abdul Ghapur Salleh said the Pan Borneo Highway was one infrastructure project that should be awarded to Sabahans to benefit the state economy.

"There's this letter being circulated that said the project was awarded to Syed Mohktar's company.

"I would like the Prime Minister to look into this and if this is true, action should be taken," said Ghapur, referring to tycoon Tan Sri Syed Mokhtar Al-Bukhary.

Ghapur said after 51 years of being Malaysia, Sabahans still feel "left out" of development compared with other parts of the country.

"There are still many who live in the rural areas, like in Kinabatangan, who have to dig a hole for their toilet," said Abdul Ghapur in his speech on Budget 2015, Wednesday.

This prompted Kinabatangan MP Datuk Bung Mokhtar Radin to say that while the Federal Government had to pay attention to the people's concerns, the opposition was also trying to make things worse.

Ghapur said he disagreed.

"I do not agree with Kinabatangan. He has different set of view on this issue," the Kalabakan MP said.

"I have talked about this many times in the Parliament sitting. We want equal share. When we talk about the development and budget, don't say that there is no budget (for Sabah).

After 51 years, this should not be a reason," said Ghapur.

Ghapur added that national statistics on the average household income in the country did not portray the actual situation in Sabah.

He was responding to a question from DAP Serdang MP Dr Ong Kian Ming, who had asked if it was true that the average household income in Sabah stood at RM4,000 as stated in a study carried out in 2012.

Bung Mokhtar also had asked Ghapur if he agreed with the latest statistics released by Putrajaya the average household income in the country was RM5,900.

"If there is no RM4,000, what more of RM5,900? I would like to suggest that we set up a committee to go around Sabah and collect the data on household income in the state.

"Then we can find out what is really the household income in Sabah. We cannot go on average because it will not be able to show the real situation in the country," said Ghapur.

"We are allowed to criticise. I want to do this make things better and to tell the Federal government that more things should be done for Sabah," he said.

Hence, he warned that voters from the state will not hesitate to vote differently if they continue to be neglected .

Ghapur also pointed to federal control of Sabah's development and resources as evidence of Putrajaya's unfair treatment of the state. He noted that the state receives only 5 per cent of royalty in return for oil extracted from its territory, while development in Sabah is controlled by companies from the peninsular.

Ghapur said it was no surprise that a so-called secessionist movement was taking root in Sabah given the lopsided policies accorded to a state that helped BN retain power in the previous two general elections.

"Our people remain poor. Our oil royalty remains low and when there is development, like the upgrade of the pan-Borneo highway, it is given to Syed Mokhtar," he said.

It was reported that UEM Group Bhd will be partnering MMC Corp Bhd, an engineering and construction group owned by tycoon Tan Sri Syed Mokhtar Albukhary, for the project.

Ghapur warned that Putrajaya cannot continue to ignore the frustration of Sabahans and urged for immediate action to address the grievances of its people to avoid a voter backlash in the upcoming national polls.

"Please listen. I am conveying the voice of Sabahans' hearts. Put your ear to their chests and listen."

Sabah and Sarawak came to BN's salvation amid an opposition onslaught that saw the ruling coalition take one seat more than the Pakatan Rakyat pact in the peninsula during last year's general election.

The results prompted Prime Minister and BN chairman Datuk Seri Najib Razak to appoint more Sabahan BN leaders into his Cabinet, but the move did not dispel grouses over lopsided treatment by Putrajaya.

Political observers have said the two east Malaysian states will be the key battleground that will decide if BN will continue to rule Malaysia.

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